Dental Implants Gallery

Single-Tooth Anterior Implant

Dental Implants Before and After:


A 30-year-old man who leads a very active lifestyle with mountain biking, wild water canoeing, winter sports, and anything adventurous. Unfortunately, he had an accident causing him to lose his front tooth. We removed the tooth, set it aside, and did a bone graft procedure to build up the bone for future implant placement. We then bonded this tooth back in and glued it to the adjacent teeth at the end of the procedure. So he walked out with the same tooth we extracted. After a healing period of about 3 months, we placed the implant and three months later we placed a dental crown. Since he wanted an appearance that was natural, not “perfect” crown at the same slant his tooth was before.

30-year-old's Dental Implants Before and After

single tooth dental implants before and after

single tooth dental implants before and after

Multiple Teeth Front Implants

Dental Implants Before and After:


This young lady was unfortunate enough to never have two of her front teeth form. As a result, there was a major disfigurement in her smile. She went through 2 years of orthodontic treatment to distribute and to create space on both sides for dental implant placement. Since there were never any teeth here before, there also was no bone to support the implants. We then did a bone graft procedure on both sides and added bone we took from the lower jaw. Seeing her dental implants before and after and the bone graft was a total success. Williams Lake Smiles placed the dental implants in 2006 and the teeth are still doing amazing to this day.

lateral implants before
lateral implants after

Dental Implant Bridge

Dental Implants Before and After:


This patient had an accident years ago and never had the opportunity to take care of it. These teeth were failing now and had to be removed. He dreaded the prospect of having to deal with a denture of any kind and preferred something fixed. Replacing three missing teeth would leave us with a very long span which would need three teeth support on each side. The lifespan of long bridges is compromised compared to a bridge replacing only one tooth. Essentially it would be a six tooth solution to a three-tooth problem which probably would develop more problems leading to more tooth loss in the future. It was explained to him that he could have a fixed solution without traumatizing 6 other healthy teeth in the process. Our solution was 2 implants with a bridge part on either side of the implants to give him the support he needed without compromising other teeth. The dental implants before and after images show the amazing results.

dental implant bridge before 1
dental implant bridge after 1

Dental Implants At 75


“ As you get older, you want less trouble in your life “

Graham’s Testimonial
kelsey failing teeth
kelsey implant placement
kelsey final restoration 1

"Over the past eight years, you have replaced four of my teeth with implants. For me, the results have been excellent. I wish implant technology had been available thirty or forty years ago. Now that it is, I can unhesitatingly recommend it, even for one who is closer to eighty than seventy."

Are Dental Implants Worth It?

When it comes to replacing your teeth, dental implants, otherwise known as fixed dentures, are the best choice. Traditional dentures or bridges can wear away at your jaw bone and lead to more dental problems in the long run. If you're looking to discover your own dental implants before and after, visit our dental office in Williams Lake, BC.

Visit us for your own dental implants before and after

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